Saturday, August 7, 2010

A Day in the Life of Me, Part One

Most of my trips into my inner worlds or dreams were happy, and I was content to allow the quiet of the night lull me into the grand adventures that awaited. Occasionally, though, my dreams would take me into darkness; I wasn't so fond of those.

Although I was almost 8 outwardly, I was only an infant in this dream, crawling through a long, narrow tunnel. I would not have enough room to stand in it if I were capable of doing so, and there was only enough room to reach my arms out in either direction. The darkness was impenetrable except for an illumination directly on and around me like it funneled from the top in the shape of a triangle downward. I could feel my fear and anxiety as I cautiously moved forward, hesitating with each small step. Suddenly, a hand shoots up out from under and grabs me. I awaken with a startle, crying.

The sun is beginning to shine through my window, wiping away the darkness leftover from the evening, and beckoning me to a new day. I wipe my tears with my sheets and take a deep breath. I had been having this dream for as long as I could remember dreaming, and I couldn't remember a time when I didn't dream.

Soon after Nan entered my bedroom. Hearing her shuffling down the hallway, I squeezed my eyes shut. "Tammy, time to get up, honey. Time for school." I pretended not to hear. I hated school. What was the point? She sighed, came closer, and shook me. "I know you're awake, and I know you heard me. Let's go." It was my turn to sigh.

"Ah, Nan, I don't feel good, and I didn't sleep either."

"Come on, Tammy, none of this… Out of bed now!" The tone of her voice made me stand up and take notice. She would have none of it today so, defeated, I threw back the covers and jumped out of bed. She turned and gazed at me as she was walking out my door. "Oh, look! You are cured! It's a miracle!" Her sarcasm was not lost on me.

(To be continued...)

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